Food Waste: Ideal Solution Introduced to GCA Members

According to independent, quantified research carried out by the Waste & Resources Action Plan (WRAP), a staggering one third of all food produced across the World is wasted, all of it perfectly fit for human consumption. We would encourage anyone to read more about this on their informative, somewhat alarming website:
If these figures were not alarming enough, the vast majority of this food waste goes to landfill, with WRAP stating 4.1 million tonnes was sent there in the UK as detailed in this report:
Food waste biodegrading in Landfill omits harmful gasses, specifically methane, which is 28 times more potent than carbon dioxide. If the UK is going to have a chance to meet its targets as agreed in The Paris Agreement (2015, active from 2016) then quite simply there has to be a focus to reduce this food waste going to Landfill.
We here at Airedale are wholly committed to play our own role both internally and by working with our own supply partners to offer affordable, viable solutions to address this issue here and now, not in another 5-10 years.
To that end we were particularly proud to attend this year’s Garden Centre Association (GCA) Conference at the famous Grand Hotel in Bristol, introducing a brand new Compact WasteStation. With all R&D plus the manufacturing all being carried out here in the UK by one of our principle supply partners IMC, the quantified facts of up to 80% reduction of food waste per site naturally resonated with the GCA Members. We have already successfully carried out trials and ultimately an on-going roll out of the Compact’s larger and original WasteStation across one of our Pub Retail clients, who are also reporting similar reductions and more pertinently, significant savings to their operations in terms of food waste collection costs, landfill charges etc.
So if your operation:
1) generates food waste
2) uses a third party collection service and
3) is charged for this and any potential landfill/environmental impact costs…
…we would encourage you to contact us for further information. We have a simple but effective calculator that will provide you with an accurate guide on the savings you can make if you were to purchase either the Compact or larger WasteStation for your premises. In the meantime please follow us across our social media channels throughout this year as we will upload and/or share fresh content about this subject.