Recent Case Studies
Try Market Halls West End (Holles Street)

Try Market Halls West End (Holles Street)

The UK’s largest food hall/dining market with multiple bars, “market stores” and rooftop terrace Airedale’s specialist consultancy-led...

Ruby Lucy Hotel

Ruby Lucy Hotel

First of at least three Ruby hotels set to be opened in the next year Partnership with...

Sandycroft County Primary School

Sandycroft County Primary School

Design and installation of large primary school’s commercial kitchen. All fabrication including bespoke canopy and extraction system...

QEStudio-Queen Elizabeth School

QEStudio-Queen Elizabeth School

 Inspiring project that is the result of a two year consultative-led process with the School.  Training Kitchen...

With uncertainty the new normal in the energy market, what can hospitality and food service operators do to keep their costs in check? In this new guide, we explore advice and best practices to help reduce energy consumption in a commercial kitchen -

Client Testimonials
Client Testimonials

BIM at Airedale

BIM At Airedale Building Information Modelling (BIM) is revolutionising the way in which all commercial kitchen construction projects are being designed and ultimately delivered. This is particularly the case...

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If you would like to work with us, or find out more about what we can offer you, then please get in touch today!