The Future Is Now: Report on BIM Information Day

Building Information Modelling or BIM is to be considered as being in the present and not something for the future. This was one of the key messages from yesterday’s CESA BIM Information Day our own BIM Manager and Marketing Manager attended. In a survey of the commercial catering equipment industry run by our own Trade Association CEDA 40% of our industry in general will be using BIM as standard within the next three years. As such, there is a gradual evolution within the commercial catering design industry as the use of the traditional 2D AutoCAD is phased out and BIM becomes the norm. Already here at Airedale, a majority of our commercial catering designs are produced within BIM, a percentage that will continue to rise over the coming months. We have a really exciting and ambitious BIM plan that is being led by our BIM Manager and one that is fully endorsed by the Board and other senior managers.
Obstacles that were discussed during the Information Day included a lack of internal resource, both human and fiscal, an unawareness of the benefits of BIM in the wider client base and a lack of consistency in the accuracy of the all-important Data that is contained within the Models. The latter aspect is being addressed by Cesa’s commercial catering equipment manufacturer members and the Foodservice Consultant Society International (FCSI) who are adding their considerable weight into so called International Food Service Equipment BIM Data Directory. This should help create at least a Europe-wide standardisation for all manufacturers and commercial catering design houses to follow and is something we at Airedale welcome.
We will soon be able to share with you some of our exciting plans regarding BIM so follow us on Twitter @AiredaleGroup and check back on this News Blog next month.
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