Petroc College Training Kitchens
Barnstaple, Devon
- Brand new training kitchen designed and installed using Group’s manufacturing expertise
- Uninstalling from a first floor location and reinstalling existing training kitchen, both in new purpose built Lifestyle Centre.
- Showcases our ability to overcome any challenge and our pedigree within this sector.
“Our new catering facilities are second to none. As a primary provider of professional chef qualifications within the South West it was imperative to have a design which enabled excellent quality teaching and training. As a catering team we are extremely pleased with the final results; with the excellent support of Airedale it has enabled us to ensure first rate delivery of teaching in a first rate environment and will no doubt continue to aspire future chefs in future years.”
Curriculum Leader (Hospitality & Catering) Petroc College

Working closely with the College, our principle projects division Airedale Catering Equipment designed and installed a purpose built training kitchen for this leading specialist institution in north Devon. The College were particularly keen to utilise higher spec’ kit and so we worked with leading German manufacturer MKN, who supplied the majority of the new commercial catering equipment.
The second phase of the project was a particularly challenging one as it required our skilled team to uninstall the College’s existing training kitchen from its main building location and reinstall it its new first floor location. No mean feat given this included heavy duty Charvet gas oven ranges!
Both aspects of the project utilise our Group’s manufacturing expertise in the design and install of the bespoke fabrication and canopy. Post project we have continued to support the College, in particular with their annual Chef of The Year competition.